Friday, May 28, 2010

Matt Hughes

This has been a sad couple weeks with Wichita chaser Matt Hughes (of Discovery Channel's Storm Chasers show) hospitalized in serious condition, and then passing away this past Wednesday. I am so very sorry for his family's loss.

I haven't known Matt for very long, but it is clear he was a bright and enthusiastic person, with much passion, and also very sensitive.

With the deadly Yazoo City MS and Oklahoma City OK tornadoes this year, and now Matt's death, I hope these events will serve as reminders to weather enthusiasts that there are more important things in life besides storm chasing, and to keep all that in its proper perspective.

Matt, we will remember you fondly...

- Jon Davies 5-28-10


madaleine said...

very sad about matt. my prayers go to his wife and kids and all his family. what happened to him? was any of his family hurt or anything or did he just get sick?

Jon Davies said...


Out of respect for Matt's family, I can't give out much specific information at this time. I can say that his death was not related to any storm chasing injury.


Unknown said...

how did he die?

Autumn said...

R.I.P. Matt :(

Unknown said...

I'm very sorry he died. He was my favorite guy on storm chasers because of how happy he got in or around the storms. Matt Hughes seemed like a very great guy and my best wishes go to his family. People need to stop asking how he died out of respect for his loved ones.

jessndave said...


Christine said...

I was very sad watching tonights episode. I did not realize that he had died and as I watched his reaction being in the tornado - I was smiling with him, he was my favorite one on the show. Then to see that he died made me so sad but I am glad that I didn't know that prior to turning the show on

Arsh said...

I just saw the episode of storm chasers....I am in literal shock right now.....the world has/had lost a naturally gifted...uniquely gifted storm chaser...he had the talent to be the best chaser for any of the storm chaser seasons. I am sorry for all his friends and family...

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Matt got to sit inside a tornado before his death. He was the sensitive side of the show and will be missed. Our prayers for God's grace go out to his family.

dzumwalt said...

Wow! Is all I feel right now! We love Storm Chasers and Matt was our favorite! I find it so ironic that he got that shot for Sean and then passed away a week later. God truly blessed all who knew him and watched him on this show. He will be remembered always. My condolences to all of his family, friends and co-workers. He has the best seat in the house now!

BirdSlaveLady said...

My husband and I are also very sad about Matt's death. We thought that he was the one to finally get the TIV
to the storms. The show won't be the same without him.
His down-to-earth yet knowledgeable input, and upbeat comments made the show much more fun.
Matt will be missed.

Crissy said...

So very sad to here of Matt's passing. My heart felt sympathy and prayers go out to his family. I know for many he will be remembered for his contagious smile. He lost his life at such a young age but I am glad he was able to experience sitting in the middle of something he loved so much just once before his death. God bless Matt and his family!

jessndave said...


danurse52 said...

I am very sad to hear of Matt's death. I had hear rumors he was suffering from depression. I can relate as I suffer from it also. I will say a prayer for him and his family he will be sorely missed on the stormchaser show.

Unknown said...

I love stormchasers and I am so happy that Matt finally was able to be inside a tornado. It is very sad that he will no longer be able to chase. Seeing his face on his last episode inside the tornado was amazing. My prayers are with his family and those close to him. He will be missed.

Unknown said...

I really respected his abilities and attitude. His calm under pressure and passion will serve as a goal for many, both in and beyond storm chasing, for many years to come. When great, honorable ones such as Matt leave us far too young I always take solace in the fact that at least we were able to witness his presence, expertise and love for his life experiences and consider myself lucky to be inspired by such a fine example of humanity.

CHMom19 said...

I can't believe what I just saw. My heart is broken for his wife and family. My husband and I are addicted Storm Chaser fans and we were totally shocked when the memory shot came on tonight at the end of the show. He seemed to be a pretty fantastic person and the world is better because he lived in it for a short time. What a blessing...

firetaco said...

My condolances go out to all of his friends and family...I find it very ironic yet sad how he died a week after having the experiance of his life...Matt will never be forgotten..

Cookies and Mary said...

First Capt. Phil, now Matt. The only two shows I look forward to each week are Storm Chasers and Deadliest Catch. He was just becoming an integral part of the show as we saw tonight. I wish there was something I could do.....

OSSIT said...

As a fellow storm chaser of 17 years and fellow weather enthusiast, my heart dropped when I read of Matt's passing on tonight's episode of Storm Chasers.

I feel so bad beyond words and know that he will be missed by all that knew him.

I know what it's like to fall in love with weather in general. I became fascinated with meteorology and severe weather at the tender age of 8 years old. My passion for weather and storms hasn't changed at the age of 41 and I am certain he felt the same.

Words can not express the loss that this brings to the chaser community, but know that he will live on forever in our hearts and in our minds.

You will be missed, even though I never met you personally and you will never be forgotten.

I wish his family and close friends all the love and support from one fellow storm chaser to another.

Unknown said...

The world lost a great person with Matt's passing. My prayers go out to his family and friends. I was grief stricken when I saw the dedication at the beginning of tonight's show. I couldn't believe what I heard... He was the reason I watched the show. He can never be replaced. R.I.P Matt.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the episode of storm chasers....I am in complete shock right now. I had no idea until tonight of his passing. I'm so happy and proud for him though to finally get inside a tornado. The look on his face of pure joy will always be in my memory. He will be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends...

bob said...
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br71 said...

i was so sad as I watched the show tonite. I pray that God give his family comfort as I know that they r stil going though a tuff time still. I will be sad when I watch the show :'( but I will still watch the show because like Matt I do like storms :). R.I.P. MATT HUGHES STORM CHASER!!!!!

Unknown said...

My prayers are with Matt's family and friends. Thank you for sharing him with us all.

weekness1 said...

I had a feeling when I saw the dedication that it was suicide. You could see the sadness in his eyes sometimes. But that last post from bob, that is completely disrespectful to both Matt and his family. Bob your pathetic.

jessndave said...

That is disrespectful to both friends n family of matts

Curtis said...

Unknown said...
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Jason Brand said...

Matt Live, Loved, And Gave Of Himself. The real matt could be seen inside the tornado, the real of the chase---the infectious smile that only came from deep within a true heart. He gave of himself--his time, his effort, his education---and put his life on the line, in the name of science--so others can live by better warning times and understanding. No telling the countless lives he saved in the field by calling in reports. Being a fellow meteorologist, chaser, and a ff/medic/cop---it's a calling. We all have issues---and those are just that--our own issues. Our focus should be on his memory, his family, and his loved one's. The community (storm) has forever lost a veteran---and will never be the same. Working in EMS--it's natural and human nature to ask the "what" and "why" but that's private and for his family--in time, when and if a higher power reveals it. Let's celebrate his life, career, and love for something that God made (storms), including making Matt. May the clouds hold your past, may the sunsets hold your dreams, and may you be the guiding angel when the tornadoes come for the chasers. God speed----R.I.P. I hope the posting community will back me in asking BOB to remove his comments; Bob, what would your epitaph read right now? Cold, heartless bastard maybe. Keep such things to yourself.

wendilou92 said...

A blog post from the local tv station provides a little insight:

As someone about Matt's age who also struggles with depression, I can understand where his mind might have been. His passing is very sad news, indeed. In time, I hope Matt's story can provide hope and healing for others who struggle with similar issues.

leejaure said...

I am a newbie to Storm Chaser (am addicted)and just found out about Matt's death. I am deeply saddened and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family. He will be missed.

Unknown said...

I had to DVR the episode tonight because I worked late. I just finished the episode, and I honestly feel like I lost a friend. Matt seemed like a great guy, and I'm saddened by his loss. I wish his family, as well as his storm-chasing colleagues, nothing but the best. We are all going to miss you, Matt. Rest In Peace.

Marianne said...

I love Storm Chasers and I just found out, of course, during tonight's show that Matt died! I am in SHOCK! I cried through the whole ending :( God love him... his face lit UP during a storm. He was so respectful to the others when a lot of them are petty. I wish the pettiness would stop. It's ridiculous. God love his wife and children who are left behind. My prayers are with his whole family. Matt was like a kid in a candy shop during the storms. He will be missed :( I am truly saddened.

Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking, he seemed to be a sweet and kind man. He will be missed.

JBinDallas said...

bob's an idiot - you can see enough other news reports to see he was in the hospital for several days with friends & family close by before he actually passed... so bob's disgusting message is clearly his own perverted story. it was the first time I ever saw the show and I started tearing up at the beginning when they showed the dedication message, but then really got emotional during the flashback scenes at the end.

SunriseKLL said...

It is sad that a very bright and wonderful person has been lost to us all. Matt definitely will be missed on "Storm Chasers" with his infectious excitement as he chased down these storms. He gave us all the great sense of being there, sitting beside him, watching the progress of a storm, and chasing it down so that we could all see and feel its intensity. I pray that he will be remembered for his bright smile, infectious laugh, and winning personality and not for the apparent dark shadows that haunted him. May God be with his wife and children, his family, friends, and co-workers to give them comfort during this difficult time. Matt will definitely be missed as the wonderful Storm Chaser he was and always will be. He shall be remember for all that he gave to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Like most others the dedication took me by surprise and I am still in shock. The pure joy in Matt's face during the intercept makes this tragedy all the more sad. Be with God Matt. My prayers go out to his family, wife and children.


John said...

Matt was well loved. He will be missed by many. He was very good at what he did and loved every min of it. I feel for his wife and son. He was a great guy on his way to doing great things. They need to put something on the Tiv so he will be remembered and I think Sean needs to put something in his movie. He put the Tiv in the right spot at the right time.

As for Bob he needs to remove what he said out of respect and if he wants to write something at least use some more heart felted and tastefull. He may be adult be what he said is more like a kid.

A*C*E* said...

Although you might think Bob did take it a little too far but it's not that far fetched! He did attempt suicide and due to the injuries sustained he was hospitalized then eventually died due to those injuries! He struggled with depression his whole life! Although it was very weird timing seeing him soooo happy to intercept his first Tornado? I guess he felt he accomplished everything he wanted to or felt the pressure to maintain his success for Shawn or felt he couldn't out do what he had accomplished just a week earlier! :-( So sad people think there's no other options, but also so selfish that he didn't think of his family and friends and what they would have to cope with due to his decision!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have not been watching the show for very long but when I watched the beginning of the show tonight and when it said Matt passed away I started crying and I started crying even harder at the end. The reaction Matt had to being inside the storm was great! I lost my dad suddenly last year and I know the pain that his family is going through even now 6 months later. My thoughts are with his family. From what I saw on the show Matt seemed like a great guy! It is a shame that something like this would happen. RIP Matt! He is watching over the fellow storm chasers and guiding them into great paths and making sure they are making it out safe.

Anonymous said...

Not many people know this but Matt was a genius. Unfortunately, like so many with extremely high IQ he also suffered from acute depression. Bob, on the other hand, is an idiot.

ryankyle21 said...

My oldest son Ryan who is 7 records storm chasers every Wed. night and he and I watch it the next morning on the couch together before he goes to school. This has been the saddest day for him. He cried and said to me he was my favorite storm chaser RIP MATT you will be missed....To his family We are soooo sorry about you loss.


Unknown said...

What a shock. Matt will be missed. My 6 year old really looked up to him. He was as saddened as my husband and I were to hear about his death. I was soooooooo happy he was able to get inside a tornado. Storm Chasers won't be the same without him. He's on to better things now.

ErinP@wisconsin said...

I just watched last nights episode of Storm Chaser's dedicate to Matt! It blew me away to hear the news that he has passed away! My thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends! Watching Storm Chasers is a must in my house and he was on of the favorites! Watching the happiness or being in the tornado, I found myself smiling from ear to ear, with tears in my eyes, they were tears of joy for him as he seemed so proud that he got the TIV in a tornado, and how happy he was when he was given all the trust!! I am sorry that this has happened! The show is not going to be the same!


Jason2425 said...

I was in shock to hear of Matts passing last night. My heart just went out to his family and began to pray for them to have peace in their hearts. As I watched him intercept this toronado I couldnt help but fight the tears, seeing him so happy doing what he loves to do. Many of us have not even met Matt and feel as if we know him. The loss of his life is felt amoung us all. My prayers go out to His family and friends that God can comfort them only as he can in this time.

Anonymous said...

His unfortunate death is a shock to whole storm chaser community as well as discovery channel. The cause of his death is the injury from a failed suicide attempt.

Nicky Brierley said...

I can't believe that Matt Hughes is dead. As someone from England, we don't have the new series of Storm Chasers yet. I am truly shocked that Matt has gone. He was a truly gifted Chaser and an amazing guy. RIP Matt, you will not be forgotten.

Unknown said...

My Goodness, I am still in shock. I hope that some benefit will come of his death. Depression affects so many people, and to them, it appears to be the only option to relieve the pain. Those who suffer from it as have I would understand. It isnt about getting the help, it is the thought that nothing will help, or it is not going to happen fast enough to avoid this pain.

RIP Matt. You gave Sean his key shot for his movie, and an incredible show of happiness while you were in it.

My best to his Family, friends and those who chased with him. He will be missed

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Our family is still in shock another great guy gone. Everyone should qppreciate each person that is around them no matter the reason. Our prayers to his family.

Heather said...

Unfortunately, he committed suicide by hanging. Please donate to his wife and 2 kids foundation.

Unknown said...

What a shock to go from his smile and overwhelming and intoxicating excitement as you see him sitting in the passinger seat of the TIV I couldn't help but sit on the edge of my seat and yell out YEAH MATT!!! To be followed by so much sadness and tears. My whole life I've wanted to be a meterologist and after the movie Twister wish I could be a part of any of the groups on Storm Chasers and as I've followed the series Matt made me wish I could do that more. My heart goes out to not just his family and friends but to Sean and I hope he knows how much he had in part to making Matts dream come true. Sean seems like he is so tough but at the end of the show you can see his true self that he hides and his sadness and the loss and guilt he feels from not allowing Matts dream come true sooner and waiting so long to put his trust in Matt. Brandon you have some large shoes to fill but we all know how much stronger the team has become from everyones loss and I wish you all the best and hope you all know how many of us envy you all and would give anything to be a part of what you all do. Maybe the TIV team and the Dominator team can put aside their differences from this sad loss and become a team somehow.

Laura Hodges Poole said...

It's unfortunate in the 21st century that depression and suicide still carry stigma to such a degree that people can't talk about it openly. I lost a sister to suicide, so I'm well aware of the wish for privacy, and I respect his family's wishes for it. But far worse than just coming out and speaking the word suicide are all the wild theories that abound during a time when a loved one's life should be remembered and not the way he/she died. Death is death--it's loss regardless of the method.

Jeff McCord said...

I am an avid weather lover and am known as a "fake meteorologist" to my friends because I know so much about weather but am not in the profession. Not only am I absolutely intoxicated with StormChasers, but Matt Hughes was my absolutely most favorite person on the show. He was gorgeous on the inside and the outside and I pray for his family. No one can understand what he was going through, and no one should judge him for it. It's sad for everyone. Everyone.

Here's to you Matt. You were loved by so many; I just wish you knew how much.

"Moxie Mo"

Unknown said...

Very, very sad about the news. My thoughts & prayers go to his friends & family.

Final Four said...

I am sorry to hear of his passing. I knew nothing of it and caught the show towards the end. The look of sheer joy on his face. He looked like a kid who got exactly what he wanted for Christmas. What a look! And to hear him so speechless afterwords. It was such a joy to see. The shock I had, which I am sure EVERYONE had upon learning of his death, just sucked all the joy I felt for him. How? Why? When? UGH! Well, the who, what, where, when and how is irrelevant. Ours is not to question that. It is what it is. Everyone deals with grief differently. And so let them deal with it. Speculation only adds to their grief. When or if they are ready, they will talk. But that is their choice. It is an open wound that will take a while to heal. It was sudden, and it was unexpected. Let them heal.
And for the record, you don't die from a FAILED suicide attempt. You die from a successful one. Sorry, but that just really bugged me.
Anyways, let them be. Let Matt be. Move on as I am sure he would want.
The answers will come in time. Or maybe never. Just let it be.

Cat said...

You never realize how attached you can get to someone that you dont even know until they are gone. To say that it was a shock to hear of Matt’s death is an understatement. I have been a fan of storm chasing for many years and having spent time learning about the aspects of storm chasing and what the chasers go through. Having also been a fan of “Storm Chasers”, I can say that he will definately be missed. Of course I didnt know Matt, but like evryone else who had the opportunity to watch him each week, this tragic story has touched me in ways I can not explain… God Bless, Matt. Know that you are loved by many…

Unknown said...

Being someone who has suffered from depression for many years, spiked by divorce, my heart goes out to him! I heart bleeds for him and his family! God bless you, Matt! I will pray for your children!

Anonymous said...

Matt passed away from an attempted suicide injury.